Hotel Privacy Policy

We take the privacy of users of our website and the security of their personal data very seriously. We therefore comply with the relevant legal provisions, in particular the Federal Data Protection Act (LPD), the Ordinance on the Federal Data Protection Act (OLPD) and the General European Data Protection Regulation. (GDPR).

This Privacy Policy describes the principles governing our use of personal information that you provide to us or that we collect about you. By using this website, you agree to this use. We ask that you read this Privacy Policy carefully.

Any dispute over privacy will be subject to this policy, any data collection notices incorporated into this website and the provisions of Swiss law.

We may modify our Privacy Policy at any time. We therefore ask that you review this Privacy Policy occasionally to ensure that you know the most recent version that will apply each time you access this website.

1. Scope

Our privacy policy applies in all cases where personal data is or must be collected, whether in particular visits to the Hotel's website, reservations or online purchases.

2. Definition of the term “Personal Data”

The term "personal data" covers all information that can identify a customer or visitor. This may include, but is not limited to, name, gender, occupation, email address, credit card number, expiration date, or any other information required to provide a service that a customer would have requested.

3. Information collected and purpose of collection

3.1 When consulting our website

When you visit our site, our server temporarily saves each access in a log file. The following technical data is then entered, in principle as for any connection with a web server, without any intervention on your part and stored by us until their automatic deletion at the latest after 1 month:
  • The IP address of the computer accessing the site
  • The name of the owner of the IP space (usually your Internet service provider)
  • The date and time of access
  • The website from which you came to our site (original URL) and possibly the search keywords used
  • The name and URL of the consulted file
  • The status code (eg error message)
  • Your computer's operating system
  • The browser you use (type, version and language)
  • The communication protocol used (e.g. HTTP/1.1) and
  • Possibly your username from a registration/authentication
The purpose of collecting and processing this data is to enable the use of our website (establishment of a connection), to ensure the long-term security and stability of the system and to enable the optimization of our online offer, as well as for internal statistical purposes. This processing is based on our legitimate interest under Art. 6 para. 1 let. f GDPR.

The IP address is also analyzed together with other data for the purpose of recognition and defense in the event of attacks on the network infrastructure or other unauthorized or abusive use of the website, and possibly used in the criminal proceedings for the purposes of identification and civil and criminal action against the user in question. This processing is also based on our legitimate interest under Art. 6 para. 1 let. f GDPR.

These cookies are in the form of files capable of identifying you as a visitor or customer and saving your personal preferences, as well as technical information (including click-type or browsing-type data). Click-through data allows us to know which pages of the site you have visited and in what order.

We use cookies and other technical information to personalize your visits to our site (for example to recognize your name when you return to the site), to analyze site traffic and trends, usage patterns, user selections regarding authorized downloads and for technical reasons relating to your use of our site.

This allows us to improve your experience and the design and content of the site to meet your needs. Cookies are either permanent (they remain on your computer until you delete them) or temporary (they are only active until you deactivate your Internet browser).

In addition, cookies are also used for analytical purposes, in order to optimize both the website and advertising, through Google Analytics. This is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc., a company located at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. The information generated by these cookies about your use of the website is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there, on the basis of the legitimate interest described above.

If you choose to provide personal data on the site, this may be linked to the data stored in the site's cookies. Most browsers accept cookies by default. However, you can set your browser to reject our cookies or those of any other website.
However, some areas of the site are only accessible with cookies or similar tools and you should be aware that by disabling them you may not be able to access certain content on the site.

3.2 When booking on the site, by correspondence or by telephone

If you make reservations via our site, by correspondence (email or post) or by telephone, we require the following data for the execution of the contract:
  • Title
  • First and last name
  • Address
  • Date of Birth
  • Phone number
  • Language
  • Information about your credit card
  • E-mail address
We use this data, together with other optional information you provide (e.g. expected time of arrival, motor vehicle license plate, preferences, remarks), only for the performance of the contract, unless otherwise specified. in this Privacy Policy or if you have provided separate consent. We will process this data in particular in order to enter your reservation in accordance with your request, to provide the reserved services, to contact you in the event of uncertainties or problems, and to guarantee that the payment is correctly made.

The execution of a contract according to Art. 6 para. 1 let. b GDPR is the legal basis for processing data for this purpose.

3.3 When you arrive at the hotel

When you arrive at our hotel, we need the following information about you and the people accompanying you:

  • First and last name
  • Postal address and canton
  • Date of Birth
  • Place of birth
  • Nationality
  • Official ID and number
  • Arrival and departure day
  • Room number
  • Phone number
We collect this information to meet legal obligations to inform, in particular arising from police and hotel legislation. Insofar as we are obliged to do so according to the applicable provisions, we transmit this information to the competent police authority. We have a legitimate interest under Art. 6 para. 1 let. f GDPR to fulfill the legal provisions.

4. Protection and security of personal data

If we collect information about you, we will store it on a secure server, in accordance with Swiss and European legal provisions. The server, gathering the encrypted data, is protected by password and by a firewall. We have implemented security policies designed to ensure, to the extent possible, the security and integrity of all your information, including your personal data.

However, every customer should be aware that no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. We therefore cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us over the Internet. Also, it should be noted that email is not encrypted and is not a secure way to transmit sensitive information such as credit card numbers or passwords. These are the limits of confidentiality guarantees.

5. Duration of retention of personal data

We do not retain personal data beyond the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected and, in any event, not beyond the time prescribed by applicable laws and regulations. The legal obligations relating to the retention of personal data arise from the provisions relating to the right to notify the authorities, financial accounting and tax law. Thus, the contracts concluded, the accounting documents and the commercial communication must be kept for up to 10 years. Insofar as we no longer need this data for the performance of the services, it will be blocked.

6. Personal data transmitted to third parties

We only transmit your personal data if you have expressly consented to it, if we are subject to a legal obligation to do so or if it is necessary to assert our rights, in particular to assert our rights arising from the contractual relationship. In addition, we pass on your data to third parties insofar as this is necessary for the use of the website and the execution of the contract (including outside the website), in particular for the processing of your reservations.

Our host [enter the name of the host] is a service provider to whom we transmit the personal data collected via the website, or who has access or may have access to them. The website is hosted on servers in Switzerland. The transmission of data is for the purpose of providing and maintaining the functionality of our site.

We also transmit to the issuer and the acquirer of your credit card information relating to it when paying by credit card, on our site or at the Hotel. If you chose to pay by credit card, you must enter all the necessary information. Your credit card issuer and acquirer are also subject to applicable regulations. For more information about processing by them, please also read their terms and conditions and privacy policy.

Finally, for the proper functioning of the website, your data is transmitted to the following third parties:
Best Western CRM
This processing is based on a legitimate interest under Art. 6 para. 1 let. f GDPR.

7. Personal data transmitted abroad

We are also entitled to transfer your personal data to third-party companies (commissioned service providers) abroad for the data processing specified in this privacy policy. If the level of data protection in a given country does not correspond to the Swiss or European level, we contractually ensure that the protection of your personal data corresponds to that of Switzerland or the European Union.
8. Rights to information, rectification, erasure and restriction of processing; right to data portability

You have the right to obtain, on request, information relating to the personal data that we record, when these concern you. In addition, you have the right to the rectification of incorrect data and to the erasure of your personal data from the moment that no legal obligation of storage or no legal basis allowing us to process the data opposes this.

You also have the right to demand the return of the data you have transmitted to us (right to data portability). On request, we also transmit the data to a third party of your choice. You have the right to obtain the data in a standard format.

You can contact the person in charge, Mr. Nicolas Devos, for the aforementioned purposes at the following email address: Please clearly indicate your name and that of this website on all your communications. In addition, we may, at our sole discretion, ask you for proof of identity in order to process your requests.

8. Changes and Amendments

We reserve the right to change, modify or amend this Privacy Policy and its security practices at any time without notice.
We therefore invite our customers and visitors to the Hotel website to consult it regularly.

9. Right to lodge a complaint

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority.

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